Sleeping position and SIDS.

First, what is SIDS ?


SIDS is the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old. Most of these deaths occur while babies are sleeping, which is why experts  also call these deaths "sleep-related deaths."




Why is it unsafe for babies to sleep on their stomach?


World-wide epidemiological studies consistently identified prone sleeping as the major risk factor for SIDS. 

Babies who die likely have a problem with waking up when they are not getting enough oxygen, and the tummy position has been associated with:


-lower cerebral oxygenation 

-higher body temperatures 

-increased heart rate 


 Studies also showed that Risk of choking , if they have acid reflux, vomit or spit up milk are less likely to happen on the back sleeping.


How to Reduce SIDS risks.


Main rules recommended by national SIDS organizations:


-Place your baby on their back to sleep


-Do not let your baby's head become covered


-Do not let your baby get too hot or too cold


-Do not let anyone smoke near your baby



A Bed who combine the anti-SIDS  and General Safety guidelines ?







The Premium Safety Bed is a good solution for those parents who want to follow safety guidelines while worrying about raising their child in comfort and preventing various problems and here is why we at BabyNeed have made it available to everyone !


It is a multifunctional bed. A main element is that it keeps the baby on his back, which as we know is the first anti-sids rule to follow, and  soft containment bands prevent the baby from rolling over to the side or onto his tummy. These bands also eliminate the risk of accidental falls when the child is out of parental supervision.



The Premium has a slightly inclined position of 15°, as keeping the head in an elevated position makes it more difficult for Acid Reflux and food to rise up and with it lower the risk of drowning.

It doesn't end there because the Premium also features a curved, adjustable cushion that keeps the legs slightly raised and helps improving digestion.

The last very important feature is the head section, where a morphological cushion allows the baby's skull to grow round and avoid flattening.

Many parents have already been using it for several years and have immediately noticed many benefits but above all eliminated excessive stress and many sleepless nights.


GO to Premium Safety


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